Order and track delivery
The most convenient and easy way to order foods and essentials in 4 easy steps
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Easy Signup
Use your email or telephone number
Safety & Security
Authenticated signup steps
Find a store
Explore stores and eateries near you.
How to order foods on iDeliverd app
Enjoy convenient food and grocery store delivery;
- Open iDeliverd FOODS app Choose iDeliverd partner store near you
- Order whatever you need Hot meals and variety of groceries and essentials
- Confirm and pay in-app Verify your order collection and pay via debit/credit card
- Track progress in-app Follow every step of your order from the store to your door
All flavors are here
In the foods app
Discover your local on-demand pick-up and delivery from restaurant and convenient stores within your neighborhood. choose from multiple local and international favorite meals in the app.
Learn MoreThere is more for
Every occasion
iDeliverd quick commerce offer more than just meal delivery, we are committed to bringing convenience to every household. There is liquor, groceries, bakery, pet supplies and pharmacy delivered.
Get the AppHow it works
Get ready, set, go in 3 easy steps. Easiest and fastest way to manage mails
and request forwarding anywhere in the world from any device.